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⑴ 提单:B/L

⑵ 承运人,Carrier:即提单上端船公司的名称。提单上承运人的名字非常重要,如果不是船公司签发的,成为HOUSE B/L,是无船承运人签发的,遇到这种提单,一定要警惕,根据版主在船公司的工作经历,持有这种HOUSE B/L有巨大的风险,要警惕提单诈骗。律师

⑶ 托运人,Shipper:在提单左上端,又称发货人,在托收方式下一般为出口商,L/C下一般为受益人的名称。

⑷ 收货人,Consignee:托收方式下,一般写to order或to order of shipper,然后可由托运人背书。信用证下可以是:记名式(不可转让,少用,一般为贵重物品或非销售的物品)、不记名式(空了不填,或to bearer)、凭指示(记名指示,一般为to order of shipper;to order of ××bank开证行; to order of 开证申请人;也可以为不记名指示,to order)

⑸ 通知方,Notify Party:托收方式下为买方名称;L/C下,根据信用证开,信用证无规定,可为开证申请人。

⑹ pre carriage by:转运货物的第一次转运前的船名,如不需要转运就空白;律师

⑺ 收货地点 Place of Receipt:如货物需要转运填写收获的港口名称,不需要转运的就空白;

⑻ 装货港 Port of Landing:起运港的名称,或转运港的名称;

⑼ 卸货港 Port of Discharge:又称目的港;

⑽ 最终目的地 Place of Delivery;

⑾ 唛头 Marks and Numbers :先写·填写唛头(无唛头的时候写N/M)、集装箱号、铅封

⑿ 件数 No.of PKGS 或 Number and Kind of Packages:和发票和装箱单上的件数应该相同;

⒀ 货物描述或货物名称 Description of Goods;

⒁ 毛重 Gross Weight:单位KGS,和发票和装箱单上的重量相同,如果是净重,加注:N.W.;

⒂ 尺码 Measurement:货物的体积;律师

⒃ 运费条款 Freight Clause:如果是信用证付款:在CIF 或 CFR 下填写“freight prepaid”运费预付;freight paid运费付讫,在FOB 或 FAS下填写Freight Collect运费待付 或 Freight Payable at Destination运费在目的港付;

⒄ 正本提单的份数,一般为三份,正本提单的正面标有“original”的英语字样;

⒅ 提单正面条款:

① 已装船条款:上诉外观状况良好的货物或包装除非另外说明外,已装上述指定船只,并应在上述卸货港或该船只所能安全到达并保持停泊的附近港口卸货;Shipped on board the vessel named above in apparent good order and condition (unless otherwise indicated) the goods or packages specified herein and to the discharged at the above mentioned port of discharge or as near hereto as the vessel may safely get and be always afloat.

② 内容不知悉条款:由发货人提供的重量、尺码、标记、号码、品质、内容。价值各项目,承运人于装船时候并未核对。The weight, measure marks,numbers, quality, contents and value, being particulars furnished by the shipper, are not checked by the carrier on loading.律师

③ 承认接受条款:发货人、收货人及本提单持有人明确表示接受并同意本提单,包括背面所印刷、书写的一切条款、免责条款及条件。The shipper,consignee and the holder of this bill of lading hereby expressly accept and agree to all printed, written or stamped provisions, exceptions and conditions of this bill of lading, including those on the back hereof.

④ 签署条款:为证明以上各项承运人或其代理人已签署各份内容和日期一样的本提单,其中一份一经完成提货,其余的都宣告失效。要求发货人特别注意本提单中关于该批货物保险效力的免责事项和条件。In witness whereof, the carrier or his agents has signed bill of lading all of this tenor and date, one of which being accomplished, the others to stand avoid. Shipped are requested to note particularly the exceptions and conditions of this bill of lading with reference to the validity of the insurance upon their goods.律师

⒆ 签单地点和时间 Place and Date of Issue:由承运人签发,一般是船长及船长代理人。


